Who we are and where we are going
天然木製品のトップブランドを目指すVETEDYグループの歴史と哲学、 そしてコミットメントを知ってください
Vetedy in a few words
VETEDYは、特許を取得したSoftline& Technideck二つのデッキシステムとTechniclicクラッディングシステムの唯一の発明者であり生産者です。
現在VETEDY Groupは、ルクセンブルク、ベルギー、カメルーン、インドネシアの4か国に生産工場を持ち、世界40ヶ国以上に販売拠点を有する国際企業へと成長しました。
The beginning of the story
Vetedy’s international development
First international exhibition, first success. The idea of developing Vetedy internationally takes shape. Thanks to a lot of research, exchanges and especially the support of a person who has made Africa his passion, the idea of associating wood with the fastening system starts to make sense. It was especially important to find wood species that are naturally durable for outdoor and above all have an exceptional stability to overcome the constraints of an hidden and non-mechanical fixing.
After several conclusive tests, Vetedy decided to set up in Africa in order to control the quality of its wood supplies. In parallel, a small makeshift production workshop at the back of a carpentry shop is set up and a partnership with a plastic-composite injector is established for the production of the fastening clips. It is after long months of research, tests, doubts but above all perseverance and determination that the Softline system was patented in 2001. The promotion of a complete decking system with hidden fasteners then took off.
The pursuit of internationalization and expansion of the product range
The growing demand for Softline decking has led to the need of diversification of the supplies and, above all, an expansion of the range. Thus, Vetedy decides to establish itself in Indonesia and to build its production plant in Belgium.
A few years later, the Techniclic product, a hidden fastening system for wood cladding, the little brother of the Softline system, was born. The cladding solution is a big hit with Vetedy’s current customers.
The latest innovation is the Technideck, an intuitive aluminum decking system that has all the qualities needed to revolutionize the decking world once again.