About Vetedy Luxembourg

Who we are and where we are going


Vetedy in a few words

VETEDYは、特許を取得したSoftline & Technideck二つのデッキシステムとTechniclicクラッディングシステムの唯一の発明者であり、生産者です。



The beginning of the story

1998年、VETEDYの創設者は建築家から「Garden floors」をデザインしてほしいと依頼されます。この時、市場にはビスを見せないウッドデッキシステムが存在しないことに気付きました。


この一件で「Garden floors」すなわち屋外デッキのフローリングというアイディアを閃いた創設者は、1999年12月20日にVETEDYを設立します。





Vetedy’s international development

初めての国際展示会は成功し、 VETEDYを国際的に展開していくというアイデアが具現化していきます。 多くの研究と交流があり、そしてアフリカに情熱を注ぐ人物のサポートのおかげで、アフリカ産の木材と樹脂留め具を組み合わせる構想が実現していくことになります。 そのためには、デッキ表面にビスを見せないための固定方法を実現できる寸法安定性と、屋外での使用に耐える耐久性を併せ持つ樹種を選定することが重要でした。 いくつかの樹種の決定的なテストを経て、VETEDYは木材の安定供給と品質を管理するためにアフリカに工場を設立します。 並行して、木工所の裏手に仮設の小さな作業場を建設すると共に、固定クリップ生産のためにプラスチック製造工場との提携を確立しました。    数ヶ月にわたる研究とテスト、そして何よりも忍耐と決意の結果、Softlineシステムは 2001 年に特許を取得します。          その後、100%ビスを見せない完全なノンビスウッドデッキシステムの推進が始まりました。

The pursuit of internationalization and expansion of the product range

天然木ノンビスウッドデッキシステムSoftlineに対する需要の高まりと共に、供給する製品の多様化、そして樹種ラインナップの拡大が必要となってきます。 そのため、VETEDYはインドネシアの生産工場との提携を確立し、ベルギーに生産工場を建設することを決定しました。 その数年後、Softline システムの弟分である、天然木ノンビス外装用システム Techniclic が誕生します。 このビスを見せない外装システムはVETEDY の世界中の顧客に大好評を博しています。                 そして、デッキの世界に再び革命を起こすための最新のイノベーションが、美観+耐久性+高速施工の全てを備えたアルミニウムデッキシステムTechnideck です。

  • 1998

    The very beginning of the story….

    It was originally a request for flooring for a garden that the idea of creating a decking system with invisible fasteners crossed the mind of entrepreneur Patrick Deumer.

  • 1999

    Creation of Vetedy Luxembourg S.A.

    Very quickly, the idea became a reality and a company was created. The historical activity of sales, installation and renovation of parquet is dissociated to create Vetedy, manufacturer of hidden fastening decking systems.

  • 2000

    Development of Softline

    After 2 years of research and long discussions with partners and customers, Softline was developed.

  • 2001

    Registration of the Vetedy brand and official launch of Softline

    The first Softline projects are finally born and the Vetedy brand is registered for international development.

  • 2003

    Filing of the Softline patent

    After only 2 years of local sales and presentation of the product to a few international prospects, the system is showing its full potential worldwide. It is then necessary to protect the concept at all costs.

  • 2005

    Construction of the Vetedy Belgium production plant

    Victim of its success, Vetedy invests in the construction of a 1900m² building, conceptualizes and implements a fully customized automated production line.

  • 2008

    Constitution of Vetedy Cameroun

    Construction of a sawing workshop in Cameroon to ensure our supplies and to ensure a strict follow-up of the routing of our wood.

  • 2008

    Incorporation of a partnership company Vetedy Indonesia

    In parallel to the investment in Africa, creation of a partnership to ensure our controlled supply of Asian wood species.

  • 2009

    Tongue and groove system

    A major advance in the world of decking with the integration of a composite tongue and groove system for a perfect joint between boards.

  • 2010

    Extension of the Vetedy Belgium production’s site

    Increase of the storage area by 2300m².

  • 2011

    Techniclic patent registration and official launch of the product

    The various vertical applications of the Softline system push us to innovate to facilitate the implementation on facades, walls and ceilings. The Techniclic cladding system is now available on the market.

  • 2011

    Simultaneous investments in various production machines

    Development of the land on 1500m² additional with the installation of a multi-blade, a new aspiration, a dryer with autonomous boiler and a planing line to be totally independent in the manufacture from A to Z.

  • 2014

    Techniclic patent registration and official launch of the product

    In order to give free rein to architects’ imaginations, Vetedy has added the spacer to the Techniclic range, a small accessory that allows them to play with the spacing between boards.

  • 2015

    Construction of the building “Vetedy II

    The success of the Vetedy products allows us to build the building named “Vetedy II”. It multiplies by two the production area.

  • 2018

    Innovation: new packaging line for the decking

    Vetedy innovates once again with the installation of an intelligent 4-axis robot surrounded by a packaging line for the creation of “parquet” type packages. This has allowed Vetedy to strengthen its position with its dealer customers thanks to the multiple advantages in terms of storage and logistics.

  • 2020

    Research and development of the new Technideck product

    Containment did not get the better of Vetedy… The entire R&D team focused on the development of a new product

  • 2021

    Patent registration and official launch of the Technideck

    Official launch of Technideck in March 2021. In all, almost 3 years passed between the idea and the official launch on the market.

  • 2022

    Clips Softline 140

    Our Softline 140 clips which therefore allows our system to accept 140mm wide boards.

  • 2023

    To be continued…


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